Wednesday, July 22, 2015

Best Night Ever at Boracay PubCrawl

Disclaimer: At times I write blogs to keep memories I don't want to forget and this happens to be one of them so.. read at your own risk. ;p

A friend recommended us to try PubCrawl in Boracay if we have a night to spare. We were hesitant at first because we don't really drink <that much> and we're kind of antisocial XD.

From a group of 9, only 3 actually pushed through. We registered at Station 4 Beach Bar at Station 2 near Starbucks. Early Bird Registration fee was PHP690 for the ladies and the Regular Registration Fee is PHP990. Precy gave us some form to fill up and handed us our shirts.

Meet up was at 8PM, we were instructed to go to dinner first before coming in because it's going to be at least a 5 hour long activity.

We were given a baller, a shot glass tied in an id lace (so you won't lose it) and 5 stubs for our shooters, one for each bar we visit.

At the first bar, Captain Lee oriented us with the rules. We needed to mingle and meet at least 3 persons and be able to know their interests. At that we wanted to bail XD.

Then we met Captain Jae, he helped us get started and introduced us to some groups.
From then it was a blur of names and interests. Amhdove and his group, Bella and Alex with MJ, Hai, Andy and Cuong? And Rai and Ann to name a few.

After the first bar, we went to the beach and the Captains introduced themselves and set some rules.
1. No smoking on the beach front.
2. No sex on the beach.
3. No littering.
well that's what I remembered.

They gave us free shotS which we have to share with others.

Here we met Sub and his friends <the Harry Potter Group> XD

At the second bar we sang our hearts out and met Mafe along with other Filipinos which belonged to the same company we used to work for <small world>.

The bar tender gave us extra shots :)

At the third bar, we met Disney on Ice Princess Belle at the restroom.

I danced with Captain Queen B at the ramp <I was pretty drunk at this point>.

We met Cy and a few others on the way to the 4th bar.

We had a mini game before going to the 4th bar where winners gets extra shots.

Unfortunately, Team Sexy <our team> lost but we still had shots anyway XD.

Birthday Boy with Queen B. Must have been a blast. :)

At the fourth bar, we conquered the dance floor with those crazy lights and danced with strangers <outside pubcrawl group>.

We were exhausted at this point but still had 1 more bar to go.

At the fifth and last bar, we danced some more, and finally said our goodbyes. :(

We were a bit wasted but we had fun, we met a lot of new friends. We forgot to exchange contacts though.. Mafe darlin' where art thou?! XD <Update: found Mafe and Cy! :)>

Will I ever do it again? Bloody Hell YES! XD

Kudos to all the captains and everyone for making this night memorable and fun! ^_^

Credits: Some pictures grabbed from Boracay PubCrawl FB Page. 
Check for details and booking :)

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